call 832-400-5667 to learn more!

Our Policies & Registration
We are thrilled to welcome you to music lessons at Joyful Noise Music Studio! As we begin this partnership we want to both share and gather from you important information that will set you and your student up for quick success. Please look over the following information about lessons at Joyful Noise for the 2024-2025 academic year, and complete the Registration form below. --Mary Beth, Owner
Policy Overview
Lessons begin as agreed between the teacher and parent (or student if he or she is over 18).
Tuition is for 46 lessons per year (following the LCISD Academic year of August 2024-July 2025) and is payable monthly. There will be no lessons on Labor Day Monday (9/2/2024)*, Thanksgiving Break, (11/25-28/2024), Christmas Break (12/23/2024-1/2/2025), Spring Break (3/10-14/2025), Memorial Day 5/26/2025* or Summer Break 2025 (TBD).
*NOTE: Due to the high number of Mondays impacted by holidays this year, the following make-ups will be offered for Monday students: Monday 5/26 (National holiday of Memorial Day), we offer 5/30/24 as a make-up day
NOTE: This schedule is updated yearly and communicated to existing students via email. -
In the event of inclement weather (or another serious local situation), our studio will close in conjunction with plans of local school districts. Since our hours differ slightly from school districts, we reserve the final decision to our studio owner and we pledge to communicate via text in a timely manner to inform affected students & families.
By giving us your phone number, you agree to receive SMS, phone calls, and/or chat messages from us.
We are not able to offer refunds or make-up lessons for missed lessons.
Tuition for the month is due at the first lesson of each month or the 7th--whichever is earliest. A late charge of $20.00 will be charged for all payments received after the due date. Payment is accepted by check, Venmo, or credit/debit card. Due to new US finance law, we now charge a $3 payment service fee for all transactions over $50 and $1 for those under $50. These payment service fees are subject to change if banking fees from our providers increase--and notice will be sent before any changes are applied. We encourage all our families to request a recurring invoice to set up the auto-payment of tuition (books and other non-recurring items will always be invoiced separately).
Registration: There is a one-time registration fee of $45.00 (per family) due before the first lesson is given.
Student/Parent Agreement
As parents, student, and teacher work together, great growth and joyful achievement will result. The following agreement is offered to help make your music lessons the best experience possible. Parents, we ask you to share this with your child so they understand that for music lessons to be truly joyful for all it takes everyone's commitment.
I understand how important it is for me to be well prepared for my lesson by practicing daily, finishing all written assignments, and bringing all my books to each lesson in my lesson bag
I commit to give my best in practice and lessons
I will be courteous and respectful to my teacher and fellow students
I have read the Information Sheet and understand how important my role is in the success of my child in music lessons
I fully understand and agree with all the policies and fees as described
I will provide a setting for practice that is free from distraction (siblings, TV, etc.)
I will have my child at his/her lesson on time as well as picked up on time
If cancelling lessons, I commit to give the required two-week notice